convert an array to a hash in Ruby 把一个多维数组变成hash
把一个多维数组变成hash: (第三个key是一个数组。)
a3 = [ ['apple', 1], ['banana', 2], [['orange','seedless'], 3] ]
h3 = Hash[*a3.flatten]
This throws an error:
ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash
from (irb):10:in `[]'
from (irb):10
The constructor was expecting an Array of even length (e.g. ['k1','v1,'k2','v2']). What's worse is that a different Array which flattened to an even length would just silently give us a Hash with incorrect values.
If you want to use Array keys or values, you can use map:
h3 = Hash[ {|key, value| [key, value]}]
puts "h3: #{h3.inspect}"
This preserves the Array key:
h3: {["orange", "seedless"]=>3, "apple"=>1, "banana"=>2}